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Library Closed: Monday, February 17
Study Room Policy


1. Hamburg Township Library has three quiet study rooms available for public use. Each room is designed to provide a quiet area for research, study, quiet collaboration, and reading. Use of these rooms is limited to non-profit civic, cultural, or educational objectives only. For-profit activities (professional sales and services, tutoring-for-fee, etc.) and social gatherings may not take place in the study rooms and is strictly prohibited.

2. Study rooms are available to all Hamburg Township Library cardholders in good standing on a first-come, first-served basis.

3. Study rooms will be locked when not in use. Patrons must check-in at the Service Desk for a key, which must be returned to the Service Desk after use. If the key is lost or not returned, the borrower will be charged $30.00 for the replacement cost.

4. Study rooms may be used for a maximum of 2 hours at a time. This time may be extended by ½ hour increments if no one is waiting to use the room. All rooms must be vacated 15 minutes prior to closing time.

5. A maximum of two people may use each room at any given time. Users will be asked to leave the room if the capacity has been exceeded or if the room is used inappropriately.

6. Those who use the study rooms are asked to keep in mind the rooms are not sound proof. Use of headphones is recommended with personal devices.

7. Those who use the study rooms must occupy them. Items left in an unoccupied room will be considered abandoned after 15 minutes and may be removed by the staff. The library does not assume any responsibility or liability for the security of personal items left unattended.

8. Patrons must follow all library behavior and internet-use policies while in the study rooms, including, but not limited to:
• Food and Drink: Food is prohibited. Beverages must have spill-proof lids at all times.
• Cell Phone Use: Phones turned off, or set to silent mode. Phone conversations are permitted in the lobby area only.
• Unattended Children: Children under the age of 11 may not be left unattended in the library.