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Library Closed: Monday, February 17
Past Library Financial Audits
2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024
Millage FAQ
  • - 93% of the Library’s income comes from residential property taxes.
  • - Library taxes are roughly 2.4% of the total tax bill
  • - Hamburg Township Library serves a population of 21,259 (2020 Census) View Library District

Frequently Asked Questions:

In 2014, the Library millage was approved for 0.8 mill for 6 years. This millage amount has been reduced to 0.7614.
The 2014 millage ended in December 2021. Continued funding is necessary to keep the library operating.
The library is asking to renew the 0.7614 mill and an additional 0.1386 mill (total = 0.9 mill) to fund more programs and services the community has been asking for. Click here to see a table showing the estimated income for the life of the millage.
A median value home in our Library District is $330,000 and paid $126 in taxes in 2021. That same home would pay $149 in 2022 (an increase of $23/year, or about $2/month.)
Depending on fluctuations in assessments, we estimate that the referendum will generate about $1,054,000 the first year.
  • - The HVAC systems have been getting replaced over the past 10 years. There are three furnaces left to replace at an estimated cost of $43,000.
  • - The roof will be 30 years old by the end of this millage. Library officials are planning for a replacement estimated at $85,000.
  • - The security camera system runs on old software that is no longer supported. Estimated system replacement is $13,800.
  • - The photocopier is now 12 years old. Estimated replacement cost is $15,000.
  • - Computer servers and public desktop computers will need to be replaced by 2030 with an estimated cost of $28,000.
  • - Children’s early literacy computers plan to be updated in 2023 for $6,700.
  • - Updating the window seating and study areas, window coverings along the south side of the building, and more book shelving is estimated to cost $150,000.
  • - The library’s RFID system has aged out and will be replaced for an estimated cost of $65,000.
  • - Fund balance will be used when annual tax revenue is not enough to meet capital improvement needs.
The ballot language is set by law and can be a bit confusing. Here’s how it will read: Shall Hamburg Township, Livingston County, Michigan, be authorized to levy a millage annually in an amount not to exceed .90 mill ($.90 on each $1,000 of taxable value), of which .7614 mill is a renewal of the previously authorized millage that expired in 2021 and .1386 mill is new additional millage, against all taxable property within the Township for a period of eight (8) years, 2022 to 2029 inclusive, for the purpose of operating, maintaining and equipping the Hamburg Township Library and for all other library purposes authorized by law? The estimate of the revenue the Township will collect in the first year of levy (2022) if the millage is approved is approximately $1,054,300.
  • 1. The library converted all lighting to LED and most of the HVAC units to more energy efficient ones to save on energy costs (approximately $8000 per year).
  • 2. The library partnered with other libraries in the area to bring more titles to the Axis360 e-book service and to host county-wide programs like literary events and best-selling authors.
  • 3. The library continually seeks out grants for funding assistance. This past year, we were fortunate to be awarded over $10,000 with several grants.
  • 4. The library belongs to a co-op for cost savings through group purchases.
  • 5. The library uses volunteers whenever possible. We have volunteers to keep the landscaping looking nice, conduct programs for all ages on various topics, assist with events, and the newly formed Friends of the Hamburg Township Library for fundraising.
  • 6. The Friends of the Hamburg Township Library is a newly organized group (official February 2022). They are in the process of gaining membership and developing fundraising projects to aid the library in various projects. More information about the Friends can be found at
  • 7. The library actively seeks out donations.
The Library will conduct community forums for the public at the library:
• Tuesday, June 14 at 6:30pm -- To join this meeting, click here for ZOOM invite
• Tuesday, July 12 at 6:30pm -- To join this meeting, click here for ZOOM invite
• Monday, July 25 at 6:30pm -- To join this meeting, click here for ZOOM invite
During this time, we will also be visiting local organizations and groups to share information about the millage election. Please contact Holly Hentz at or 810-231-1771 to schedule a visit to your organization.