Hamburg Township Library
10411 Merrill Rd.
Hamburg, MI 48169
Library Board of Trustees Meeting - Minutes
January 21, 2025
Present: Matt Assenmacher, Jodie Colone, Mary Evergreen, Richelle Hocking, Bridgette Rosek, Crystal Walter.
Absent: None.
Also Present: Holly Hentz, Christine Weber.
President Colone called the meeting to order at 7:00pm in the Patricia Waters Community Room.
Approval of
1) Motion by Hocking, seconded by Walter to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
2) Motion by Rosek, seconded by Walter to approve Minutes from December 17, 2024 with the typing correction. Motion carried.
Call to the Public: No comments.
1) Motion by Walter, seconded by Hocking to approve the December 2024 Financial Report. Motion carried.
2) Motion by Evergreen, seconded by Hocking to approve Library Voucher #658 in the amount of $89,328.91. Motion carried.
Librarian’s Report
1) In-house Statistics: 3,504 patrons served; 22 new library cards; 4,064 item check-outs; 110 computer uses.
2) Online Statistics: 2,861 Libby checkouts; 442 zinio magazine checkouts; 0 uses of Fold3; 0 uses of HeritageQuest; 0 uses of TumbleBooks; 2 uses of Niche Academy.
3) Other News: Mitten tree collected 575 items (62 more than last year).
4) Upcoming Programs:
1) None.
Old Business
1) Update on Strategic Plan. The community survey is ready to be released. It will be presented in several formats (online with links from library website and QR code and in paper) in an effort to get as many responses as possible. Motion by Walter, seconded by Assenmacher to develop, print, and mail out a postcard to all Township households with information on the survey and a QR code linking to the survey. Motion carried.
New Business
1) Michigan Earned Sick Time Act. Motion by Assenmacher, seconded by Rosek to approve the Michigan Earned Sick Time Act policy as presented. Motion carried.
2) CD renewals. Motion by Evergreen, seconded by Hocking to roll over the entire amount of $273,595.36 plus interest earned in the Flagstar CD for 119 days at 4.30% or better on the maturity date. Motion carried.
Motion by Rosek, seconded by Walter to roll over the entire amount of $370,690.02 plus interest earned in the State Bank CD for 90 days at 4.10% or better on the maturity date. Motion carried.
Motion by Rosek, seconded by Walter to roll over the entire amount of $268,226.35 plus interest earned in the CIBC Bank CD at 4.30% or better on the maturity date. Motion carried.
Friends Report with Debbie Kooperman reporting
1) Friends longtime board member Linda Gacioch has passed away. December gift shop sales netted $188. Patricia Dare is the new Director of Membership, Lydia Bangert is the new Director of PR & Marketing. Monthly board meetings have been changed to the first Friday at 4:00pm.
Relevant Board Issues
1) None.
Motion made by Walter, seconded by Rosek to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:37pm. Next Meeting: February 18, 2025 @ 7:00pm