Hamburg Township Library
10411 Merrill Rd.
Hamburg, MI 48169
Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
December 17, 2024 @ 7:00pm
Present: Matt Assenmacher, Jodie Colone, Mary Evergreen, Richelle Hocking, Bridgette Rosek, Crystal Walter.
Absent: None.
Also Present: Holly Hentz, Christine Weber.
Call to Order and Pledge to the Flag:
This regular meeting of the Hamburg Township Library Board of Trustees was called to order by J. Colone at 7:00 pm in the Patricia Waters Community Room.
Approval of
1) Motion to approve the November 2024 Financial Report made by Rosek; seconded by Walter. Motion carried.
2) Motion to approve Library Voucher #657 for $87,347.34 made by Evergreen; seconded by Hocking. Motion carried.
Librarian’s Report
1) In-house Statistics: 5,054 patrons served; 59 new patrons; 4,903 item check-outs; and 118 computer uses.
2) Online Statistics: 2,767 Libby checkouts; 387 Zinio checkouts; 32 Fold3 uses; 20 Heritage Quest uses; 30 Tumble book uses; and 7 Niche Academy uses.
3) Other News: Library tree is shining brightly at Pinckney’s town square park. 78 attended the holiday jazz concert. Santa visit had 117 children & parents. Very enjoyable as always.
4) Upcoming Programs:
1) None.
Old Business
1) There is no update on payment for building insurance.
2) Lisa A. discussed the latest on the Strategic Planning process as she summarized the staff & board survey results.
New Business
1) Motion to amend the policy manual with the 2023 Michigan Earned Sick Time Act regulations with the understanding that the policy will change in January or February with new regulations and that Hentz will provide new printed policies at that time made by Walter; seconded by Hocking. Motion carried.
2) Motion to order new staff computer workstations that are Windows 11 compliant from Sehi and installation labor from CPS in the total amount of $7,175.52 made by Rosek; seconded by Walter. Motion carried.
3) Motion to purchase trophy showcase from Library Design Assoc. as presented in the amount of $4,895.00 plus any electrical work needed made by Walter; seconded by Assenmacher. Motion carried.
Friends Report from D. Kooperman
1) The Friends made $556.85 last month from gift shop sales.
2) The spring book sale, gardening classes, and scrapbooking day are all scheduled.
3) Membership = 131; Facebook = 384 followers; Instagram = 36 followers.
Relevant Board Issues
1) None.
Motion to adjourn made by Walter; seconded by Evergreen. Meeting adjourned at 8:02pm. Next Meeting: January 21, 2025 @ 7:00pm