Hamburg Township Library
10411 Merrill Rd. P.O. Box 247
Hamburg, MI 48139
Board of Trustees Meeting
September 19, 2017 @ 7:00pm
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 7:00pm in the library meeting room.
Members present: Jody Colone, Peg Eibler, Mary Evergreen, Richelle Hocking, Michaelene Farrell, and Jim Katakowski.
Also present: Holly Hentz, Christine Weber and Rana Emmons of Post, Smythe, Lutz, Ziel.
Approval of
- A motion to approve the agenda as presented was made by Colone. Seconded by Katakowski. Motion carried.
- A motion to approve the minutes from August 15, 2017 meeting as presented was made by Colone. Seconded by Hocking. Motion carried.
Call to the public: None.
- Auditor Rana Emmons of Post, Smythe, Lutz, Zeil presented the Annual Audit Report for 2016/2017. The library received an “Unqualified Opinion”. Motion to accept the 2016/2017 audit report was made by Evergreen. Seconded by Hocking. Motion carried.
- A motion to accept the Financial Report for August 2017 was made by Hocking. Seconded by Colone. Motion carried.
- A motion to accept Library Voucher # 570 in the amount of $73,705.18 was made by Farrell. Seconded by Hocking. Motion carried.
Librarian’s Report
- Statistics: average daily visits is 193; number of new patrons is 54; number of item check-outs is 7,840; Axis360 check-outs is 582; Zinio check-outs is 84; Hoopla check-outs is 87; and computer use is 405.
- Marketing update: Instagram: 98 followers; Twitter 319 followers; Facebook: 617 followers; Website 2431; Wireless 2,982. Also, Senior Power Day was on Aug.4.@ Pinckney High School. There about 300 visitors to the group table.
- Other News: Looking for volunteers for Art Fair on Oct. 7. Anyone interested is to contact Christine.
Upcoming programs:
- 9/20 Finding Vital Records for your Genealogy Research. Free, 6:30pm
- 9/21 Thursday Matinee: Beauty and the Beast (2017), Free, 1:00pm
- 9/25 Parenting: Healthy Snacks for Picky Eaters, Free, 6:30pm
- 9/26 Stuffed Animal Sleepover, Free
- 9/28 Drop-In Tech Help, Free, 3:00pm to 6:00pm
- 10/2 Great Decisions (four consecutive weeks) Free, 1:30pm
- 10/4 Library Book Club: Moonface by Angela Balcita, Free, 1:00pm
- 10/7 Hamburg Community Fine Arts & Craft Fair, 9am to 4pm
- 10/9 Memory Loss, Dementia, Alzheimer’s Free, 6:30pm
- 10/10 Infamous Michigan Murders, Free, 6:30pm
- 10/12 Lunch& Learn: Creepy Card Making, $10, noon
- 10/16 Maker Monday: Potpourri & Pumpkins, Free, 6:30pm
- Invitation to Hartland Library’s ribbon-cutting ceremony September 29 at 9:00am.
Old Business
- Lighting Replacement Project update: Several fixtures were left off the original quotation. The following will complete the LED project. A motion to purchase 20 ceiling canisters for $4,218.00 from Standard Electric was made by Colone. Seconded by Eibler. Motion accepted. A motion to pay Ashcroft Electric $2,940.00 for labor to install the canisters was made Evergreen. Seconded by Evergreen. Motion carried.
- The outdoor storage shed project has been completed.
- Scrap-A-Holic meeting room issues: In an effort to resolve the safety and communication issues, the Scrap-A-Holics developed a list of policies & procedures. A motion to accept the Policies and Procedures for Library Meeting Room Use as developed by the Scrap-A-Holics with today’s date was made by Farrell. Seconded by Hocking. Motion carried. A motion to add the phrase “of the entire workplace” to bullet point #1 of the Sign Out Sheet; this is to keep the Sign Out Sheet consistent with the Policies and Procedures for Library Meeting Room Use was made by Colone. Seconded by Hocking. Motion carried.
- Needs Assessment Survey update: Over 100 surveys have been returned, both in the mail and online.
- Staff attended “Creating a Culture of Safety and Security in your Library with Dr. Steve Albrecht” for the annual inservice day. Hentz gave a report of what was learned. Hentz developed a Code of Conduct that is to be posted around the library for the public to see. Board members are to review it and discuss is next month.
- A motion to install a memorial plaque honoring Stella and Dale Campbell was made by Eibler. Seconded by Evergreen. Motion carried.
New Business
Relevant Board Issues
- Annual Trustees & Directors workshop is set for November 1st at Howell Library, with the topic concerning millennials and library use. Hentz distributed an article on the topic for the board to read before the workshop. All will be present.
- Halloween Party is Saturday, Oct. 21 at 7:00pm. Volunteers are: Michaelene & Mike Farrell, Richelle & Steve Hocking, Amir Baghdadchi.
A motion to adjourn was made by Evergreen. Seconded by Katakowski. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 8:17pm.
Next meeting will be October 17, 2017 @7:00pm.