Hamburg Township Library

10411 Merrill Rd.    PO  Box 247

Hamburg, MI  48139




Hamburg Township Library Board of Trustees

September 21, 2004



Meeting called to order at 7:05pm in the library meeting room.

Members present: Eibler, Campbell, Ford, Gleason, Kelley and Pettigrove

Absent: None

Also present: Hentz and Weber.



A motion to approve the agenda was made by Campbell.  Seconded by Ford.  Motion carried.


A motion to accept the minutes as presented for the August 17, 2004 meeting was made by Pettigrove. Seconded by Kelley.  Motion carried.


A motion to table the Financial Reports until the October meeting was made by Campbell.  Seconded by Ford.  Motion carried.


A motion to pay voucher #414 in the amount of $78,890.88 as presented was made by Campbell.  Seconded by Kelley.  Motion carried.


Librarian’s Report

·        Fall newsletter is out. Program registration is filling.

·        Pettigrove is working on survey results.

·        Skylight area light bulbs have been replaced.

·        Shelving organization is on going.

·        Spillway work from Todd’s Services is complete.

·        Computer class schedule has been set by Stokanovich.

·        WSU library student volunteer is working with Strandt.

·        Grand Bay Builders donation of carousel horse.



·        Donna Hornyak, Ypsilanti Senior Citizen Director, expressed gratitude for use of “jungle” decorations.


Old Business

·        Computer purchases made, installation is complete except for 2 slip printers (still on order).

·        Additional improvements need to be made.

·        A motion to approve the further technology recommendations from Intelligent Choice as presented, subject to Eibler’s discussion with Tom McCurdy,  made by Gleason.  Seconded by Kelley.  Motion carried.

·        Copies of Eibler’s letter to Township regarding sewer/REUs were distributed.  Township to discuss this matter at Township Board Meeting on September 21, 2004 at 7:30pm.


New Business

·        Library will close Friday, November 26, 2004 as unpaid holiday. Will reopen November 27.


Relevant Board Issues: 

·        None.


Call to the Public:   

·        None present


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made byPettigrove.  Seconded by Campbell.  Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:27PM


Next meeting will be October 19, 2004 at 7:00pm.



Respectfully submitted,



Joan M. Dombrowski