Hamburg Township Library
10411 Merrill Rd. P.O. Box 247
Hamburg, MI 48139
Hamburg Township Library Board of Trustees
October 21, 2014
Meeting called to order at 7:00pm in the library meeting room.
Members present: Peg Eibler, Sally Crouch, Michelle Hocking, and Jim Katakowski.
Absent: Andrew Byerly and Michaelene Farrell.
Also present: Holly Hentz and Christine Weber.
- A motion to approve the agenda as presented was made by Crouch. Seconded by Hocking. Motion carried.
- A motion to approve the September 16, 2014 minutes as presented was made by Hocking. Seconded by Katakowski. Motion carried.
Call to the Public
None present.
- A motion to approve the Financial Report for September 2014 was made by Hocking. Seconded by Katakowski.
- A motion to accept Library Voucher #535 in the amount of $47,207.40 was made by Crouch. Seconded by Hocking. Motion carried.
Librarian’s Report
- The monthly people counter indicates an average of 205 patrons a day.
- E-book circulation in September was 164.
- The number of new patrons in September was 73.
- Library promotion update: The library was present at the United Way agency fair at Citizen’s Insurance on Oct. 1st. The library purchased advertising in the LCP (print and online) for the art fair, which, in turn, advertised the library itself.
- The 6th Hamburg Comm. Fine Art & Craft Fair was a success. There were 40 artists, 491 visitors (161 more than last year), and a total profit of $1,112.17.
- Linda Wurtzel, participating artist in Art Fair, sent complimentary letter regarding her experience.
Old Business
- Library has complied with the Livingston County Department of Health water inspection. An official letter of compliance will be sent as soon as all of the township buildings have passed.
- Two trees have been planted in memory of Betty Wilson. Hentz is working on a memorial plaque.
- Workshop on Proposal 1: the library will receive reimbursements beginning 2016. Twp. assessor is to handle all forms and filings.
New Business
- None.
Relevant Board Issues
- Board member contact information complete except for Byerly.
- Annual Directors and Trustees meeting set for October 22 at the Howell Library. Present: Farrell, Katakowski, Hentz, Weber.
- Halloween Party set for Saturday, October 25 at 7pm. Volunteers arrive at 6:30pm.: Hocking (+2), Katakowski, Farrell (+1).
- Hamburg Twp. Road Millage info meeting is set for October 23 at 7pm in the meeting room.
A motion to adjourn was made by Crouch. Seconded by Eibler. . Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40pm.
Next meeting will be Novemberr 18, 2014 at 7:00pm.