Hamburg Township Library
10411 Merrill Rd.    P.O.  Box 247
Hamburg, MI  48139

Hamburg Township Library Board of Trustees
November 15, 2011

Meeting called to order at 7:03pm in the meeting room.
Present: Peg Eibler, Stella Campbell,  Michaelene Farrell, and Duncan McIntyre.
Absent: Sally Crouch and Richelle Hocking.
Also present: Holly Hentz and Christine Weber.

  1. A motion to accept the agenda as presented was made by McIntyre.  Seconded by Campbell.  Motion carried.
  2. A motion to approve the October 18, 2011 minutes as written was made by Campbell.  Seconded by Farrell.  Motion carried.

Call to the Public

  1. None present.


  1. A motion to accept the Financial report for October 2011 was made by Campbell.  Seconded by McIntyre.  Motion Carried.
  2. A motion to accept Library Voucher # 500 in the amount of $49,814.78 was made by Farrell.  Seconded by McIntyre.  Motion carried.

 Librarian’s Report

  1. Hentz distributed an update on the Halloween party.  Next year, the library will have their party on Friday, 10/26/12; if the township has a party it will be held on a Saturday.  Book sale netted $545 so far.
  2. Pinckney Glass, Inc. repaired the window pane in the Study Room A and re-caulked all windows in both study rooms for $950 and a 5 year warranty on the work.
  3. Chase Bank’s Positive Pay and the ACH Debit Block service has not begun yet because Twp. treasurer’s office has been too busy.
  4. Gleaners food drive continues in the lobby until November 19, 2011.


Old Business

  1. The Board benefited from the presentation at the annual trustee dinner concerning the Troy Library’s millage problems.  Weber has an instructional video on running a successful millage campaign.
  2. Board tabled a decision for the date for millage renewal.

New Business

  1. A motion to accept the proposed five year agreement for auditing services of Post, Smythe, Lutz & Zeil was made by Campbell.  Seconded by McIntyre.  Motion carried.
  2. Hentz is investigating the possible eRate discount of 40% for the telephone system.

Relevant Board Issues
1)  None

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by McIntyre.  Seconded by Farrell.  Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:54pm.

Next meeting will be December 20, 2011 at 7:00pm.