Hamburg Township Library
10411 Merrill Rd. P.O. Box 247
Hamburg, MI 48139
Hamburg Township Library Board of Trustees
May 19, 2015
Meeting called to order at 7:00pm in the library meeting room.
Members present: Andy Byerly, Sally Crouch, Peg Eibler, Michaelene Farrell, Richelle Hocking and Jim Katakowski.
Also present: Holly Hentz and Christine Weber
Call to order
Eibler called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Approval of
- A motion to approve the agenda as presented was made by Crouch. Seconded by Byerly. Motion carried.
- A motion to approve the minutes from April 21, 2015 meeting was made by Hocking. Seconded by Crouch. Motion carried.
Call to the Public
None present.
- A motion to approve the Financial Report for April 2015 was made by Byerly. Seconded by Farrell. Motion carried.
- A motion to accept Library Voucher #542 in the amount of $41,028.45 was made by Farrell. Seconded by Hocking. Motion carried.
Librarian’s Report
- Book sale update: We made $1135.25. (Fall 2014: $1126.30, Spring 2014: $976.15)
- Employee update: E. Beningo has left employment. Jackie Rau has been hired.
- The monthly people counter shows an average of 213 visits per day.
- April: E-book circulation was 160 & Zinio was 70 issues.
- April: new patrons was 72 & new item check-outs was 5,497.
- Library marketing update
- Display at the Caregivers Fair on May 16 at Brighton High School.
- April 2015 Active Livingston & 2015 Livingston County Guide.
- Monthly events flier placed at local businesses: Hamburg & Lakeland Post Offices, Mimi’s Diner, Zukey Lake Tavern, Dairy Queen, ATI Physical Therapy, Hamburg Pub, LWCC, Senior Center.
- Thank you note regarding the Language of Flowers tea party.
Old Business
- Approved policies (meeting room & director spending limit) handed out.
- CPS has been working on streamlining the computer servers, going from 5 servers to 2 servers. We anticipate the work taking one more week.
- Motion by Byerly to approve the 2015/2016 Budget as presented. Seconded by Hocking. Motion carried.
New Business
- Hentz distributed the new Freedom of Information Act policy for board discussion.
- Motion by Katakowski to purchase and install a Barracuda firewall in an amount not to exceed $3,700.00. Seconded by Crouch. Motion carried.
Relevant Board Issues
- Summer Reading Kick-Off Party is Friday, June 5. Volunteers should be at the library by 6:00pm.
- Eibler will not be present at the June meeting.
A motion to adjourn was made by Crouch. Seconded by Katakowski. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:35.
Next meeting will be June 16, 2015 at 7:00pm.