Hamburg Township Library
10411 Merrill Rd. P.O. Box 247
Hamburg, MI 48139
Hamburg Township Library Board of Trustees
May 18, 2004
Meeting called to order at 7:03 p.m. in the library meeting room.
Members present: Campbell, Ford, Gleason, Kelley and Pettigrove
Absent: Eibler
Also present: Hentz and Weber.
A motion to approve the agenda as presented was made by Pettigrove. Seconded by Campbell. Motion carried.
A motion to accept the minutes with the correction “In the absence of the president and vice president, the treasurer, Stella Campbell, conducted the meeting.” for the April 20, 2004 meeting was made by Campbell. Seconded by Pettigrove. Motion carried.
A motion to accept the Financial Report ending April 30, 2004 was made by Pettigrove. Seconded by Kelley. Motion carried.
A motion to accept as presented voucher #410 for $42,512.60 was made by Campbell. Seconded by Kelley. Motion carried.
Librarian’s Report
· Elementary Art Show is on display in the reading area.
· Mary Alice has resigned as a page. Will continue as special project clerk.
· Two pages have been hired, Alayna Ruberg and Josh Stephens.
· Employee time clock software is installed.
· New technology support (Research Media) has begun.
· Brick pavers have been installed.
· Hentz distributed the upcoming programs. Summer Reading kick-off party is June 18 at 6:30 pm.
· Laura has returned from maternity leave.
· Letter from P. Kennedy expressing her gratitude for computer assistance.
· Letter from Borek Jennings Funeral Home expressing gratitude for library assistance in collecting Toys for Tots.
· Landscape maintenance company (Distinctive Exteriors) has begun work.
· A motion to accept the proposed 2004-2005 budget was made by Kelley. Seconded by Pettigrove. Motion carried.
· Library needs assessment survey on website will be online by May 24th. No time limit for survey. Will be updated as needed. Survey will tally automatically.
· A motion to approve Research Media's proposal to upgrade the computer system not to exceed $15,000.00 was made by Gleason. Seconded by Kelley. Motion carried.
· A motion to close the library the week of June 7, 2004 to accommodate the computer upgrades was made by Campbell. Seconded by Kelley. Motion carried. Staff has the option to work during the public closure.
· A motion to purchase 15 flats of wave petunias from Shady Stop was made by Pettigrove. Seconded by Gleason. Motion carried
Relevant Board Issues:
· None
Call to the Public:
· None present
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Campbell. Seconded byPettigrove. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:38 pm
Next meeting will be June 15, 2004 at 7:00pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan M. Dombrowski