Hamburg Township Library
10411 Merrill Rd. PO Box 247
Hamburg, MI 48189
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
March 15, 2022 @ 7:00pm
Present: Michaelene Farrell, Jodie Colone, Richelle Hocking, Bridgette Rosek, Mary Evergreen
Absent: Crystal Walter
Also Present: Holly Hentz, Christine Weber
Call to Order
This regular meeting of the Hamburg Township Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Michaelene Farrell at 7:00 pm. in the Patricia Waters Community Room.
Approval Of
1) Motion to approve Agenda as presented made by R. Hocking; seconded by B. Rosek; Motion carried.
2) Motion to approve the minutes from February 15, 2022 as presented made by B. Rosek; seconded by J.Colone; Motion carried.
Call to the Public
None present
1) Motion to approve the February 2022 Financial Report as presented made by M. Evergreen; seconded by R. Hocking; Motion carried.
2) Motion to approve Library Voucher #624 in the amount of $70,764.32 made by M. Evergreen; seconded by R. Hocking; Motion carried.
Librarian’s Report
1) In-house Statistics: 2,515 patrons served; 47 new patrons; 5,439 in-house item check-outs, 77 computer uses.
2) Online Statistics: Axis360 check-outs: 768; PressReader check-outs: 74; Ancestry uses: 0; Fold3 uses: 5; Heritage Quest uses: 82; Infobase uses: 0; Career Guidance uses: 0; Niche Academy uses: 8.
3) Other News: Pinckney Schools’ One District One Book is Kenny & The Dragon. We are planning 3 activity kits to coincide with the reading of the book.
4) Upcoming Programs
1) Letter from Governor Whitmer regarding March is Reading Month.
Old Business
1) Millage Discussion: Friends’ letter of support, Board letter of support, millage webpage.
2) Reopening the Library: currently no MI OSHA mandatory mask requirements. Beginning April 1, staff masking requirements will be based on individual preferences, and Hentz will announce opening the meeting rooms to outside groups with masking requirements based on individual preferences as well.
New Business
1) CD rollover: Motion to rollover entire amount of State Bank CD plus interest earned at best terms available made by M. Evergreen; seconded by J. Colone; Motion passed. Weber will report terms at April meeting.
2) Proposed 2022-2023 Budget discussion. Hentz & Weber presented the proposed 2022-2023 budget for discussion and review at the April meeting.
Friends Report
1) Debbie Kooperman Reporting status per 3-4-22 Meeting
Relevant Board Issues
1) M. Evergreen will miss April and J. Colone will cover treasurer duties in her absence
Motion to adjourn the meeting made by B. Rosek; seconded by M. Evergreen; Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.
Next Meeting: April 19, 2022 @ 7:00pm.