Hamburg Township Library
10411 Merrill Rd.    P.O.  Box 247
Hamburg, MI  48139


Hamburg Township Library Board of Trustees
March 19, 2013


Meeting called to order at 7:00pm in the library meeting room.
Members present: Andrew Byerly, Sally Crouch, Peg Eibler, Michaelene Farrell, Richelle Hocking, and Jim Katakowski.

Also present: Holly Hentz, Christine Weber.


  1. A motion to approve the agenda as presented was made by Byerly.  Seconded by Hocking.  Motion carried.
  1. A motion to approve the February 19, 2013 minutes as presented was made by Hocking.  Seconded by Farrell. Motion carried.


Call to the Public
High school student observed the meeting for class, no comments were made.


  1. A motion to approve the Financial Report for February 2013 was made by Crouch.  Seconded by Byerly.  Motion carried.
  1. A motion to accept Library Voucher #516 in the amount of $48,290.70 was made by Farrell.  Seconded by Hocking.  Motion carried.


Librarian’s Report

  1. Hentz reported the Summer Reading Program theme is Catch a Dragon by Its Tale. Kickoff party is Friday, June 7 at 7pm. Hentz solicited volunteers from the board.
  2. Kim Roberts received staff recognition for 15 years employment.

Girl Scout Troop 40460 will plant flowers and other maintenance in the Serenity Garden on May 19th.  They have also donated $135 for perennial plants. Christie Wagner will supervise their work for their Journey Badge.


  1. Ms. McDonald sent a Thank You note for the tea party.
  2. Megan Bossio sent a Thank You note for her day of shadowing a Liberians.


Old Business

  1. Hentz explained the differences among the automation software packages.  A motion to select AutoGraphics Verso for a 5 year contract for $25,000 was made by Byerly.  Seconded by Crouch.  Motion carried.
  2. Staff computers upgrades are in the process of being installed.  Installation is expected to be complete this week.
  3. Library has installed new “Exit” signs to replace the broken ones; fire department inspection has now been passed.
  4. Hentz distributed copies of the 2008 millage information packet.  Board discussed various aspects of a millage campaign in preparation for the August 2014 millage vote.  It was determined to ask for a five year millage.


New Business
1)  A motion for the Annual Millage Resolution was made by Byerly.  Seconded by Hocking.   Motion carried.  See attached document.

Relevant Board Issues

  1. Hentz distributed “The Public’s Agenda for Public Education” handout.

A motion to adjourn was made by Crouch.  Seconded by Farrell.  Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:07pm.


Next meeting will be April 16, 2013 at 7:00pm.