Hamburg Township Library
10411 Merrill Rd.    P.O.  Box 247
Hamburg, MI  48139


Hamburg Township Library Board of Trustees
March 20, 2012

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm in the library meeting room.
Members present: Stella Campbell, Sally Crouch, Peg Eibler, Michaelene Farrell, and Duncan McIntyre.
Absent: Richelle Hocking
Also present: Holly Hentz, Christine Weber.


  1. A motion to approve the agenda as presented was made by Campbell.  Seconded by Crouch.  Motion carried.
  1. A motion to approve the February 21, 2012 minutes was made by McIntyre.  Seconded by Farrell.  Motion carried.


Call to the Public

  1. Dan Fortson addressed the board regarding an incident of three years ago.


  1. A motion to accept the Financial Report as presented for February 2012 was made Crouch. Seconded by McIntyre.  Motion carried.  
  1. A motion to accept the Library Voucher #504 in the amount of $50,324,31 was made by Farrell.   Seconded by Campbell. Motion carried.


Librarian’s Report

  1. Hentz distributed Geek the Library marketing plan with emphasis on local promotion. 
  2. Library received the first State Aid payment for $4,730.22; an increase of $1011.48 over last year.
  3. Library a $750 grant from Walmart for the Summer Reading Program.
  4. Computer servers have arrived and will be installed soon. Tape back-up system is installed and working.
  5. Township summer picnic in the park was canceled.



  1. None.


Old Business

  1.  A motion to approve a change in medical benefits, effective January 1, 2010 for all full time staff to include reimbursement of $20 per office visit co-pay up to 6 per calendar year, reimbursement up to $1000 in deductible per calendar year, and reimbursement of $20 per brand name drug up to four prescriptions per year.  This reflects the medical coverage put into effect by Hamburg Township. And to include payment of $1,067.11 for co-pays to Hamburg Township was made by Campbell.  Seconded by McIntyre.  Motion carried.

New Business

  1. The annual millage resolution that the millage rate of .4418 mils will be levied in the year 2012 was offered by Farrell, supported by Crouch and passed unanimously.  Resolution is attached.
  2. A motion to join Baker & Taylor’s ebook service, Axis360 for $3,500 for the first year was made by Farrell.  Seconded by Crouch.  Motion carried.
  3. Hentz distributed the Proposed 2012-2013 budget. Public hearing and board discussion followed.

Relevant Board Issues: 

  1. Board selected August 2014 for the library millage vote.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Campbell.  Seconded by Crouch.  Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:16pm.


Next meeting will be April 17, 2012 at 7:00pm.



Hamburg Township Library
10411 Merrill Rd.  P. O. Box 247
Hamburg, MI  48139




            At a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Hamburg Township Library, Livingston County, Michigan, held at the Library on the 20th day of March, 2012 at 7:00 pm.
PRESENT:    M. Eibler, S. Crouch, S. Campbell, M. Farrell, D. McIntyre.____________   
ABSENT:       R. Hocking_ ________________________________________________

The following Resolution was offered by M. Farrell and supported by S. Crouch.

            WHEREAS, the voters approved a millage of .4418 mills that may be levied annually until the year 2013, and the purpose of the millage is to provide funds for the Hamburg Township Library; and
WHEREAS, the Library Board of Trustees has prepared an estimate of the amount of money necessary for the support and maintenance of the Library for the ensuing year; and
WHEREAS,  pursuant to City, Village and Township Libraries Act, Act No.164 of the Public Acts of 1877 (the “Act”), the Library Board of Trustees has the authority to prepare the estimate of the amount of money necessary to support the Library and report the estimate to the Supervisor of Hamburg Township for assessment, which tax shall be assessed and collected; and
WHEREAS, the Library has determined that a levy of the full .4418 mills, subject to Headlee rollback, is in the best interests of the public health, safety and welfare.

            THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Library Board of Trustees of the Hamburg Township Library, Livingston County, Michigan, as follows:


  1. The Library Board of Trustees resolves that it has estimated the money necessary for the support of the Library and has determined that .4418 mills, subject to Headlee rollback, shall be levied in the year 2012.
  1. The Library secretary is authorized and directed to promptly submit this resolution to the Supervisor of Hamburg Township.


  1. All resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as they conflict with the provisions of this Resolution be and the same are hereby rescinded.


YEAS:            __- 5 -__
NAYS:            __- 0 -__


STATE OF MICHIGAN                                )
COUNTY OF LIVINGSTON                        )

            I, the undersigned, the duly qualified and acting Vice President of the Hamburg Township Library Board, Livingston County, Michigan, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of certain proceedings taken by the Board of Trustees of said Library at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of March, 2012.


Sally Crouch                            __________________________________________
Sally Crouch
Vice President                                                                                                                     
Hamburg Township Library Board of Trustees