Hamburg Township Library
10411 Merrill Rd. P.O. Box 247
Hamburg, MI 48139
Hamburg Township Library Board of Trustees
March 18, 2008
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm in the library meeting room.
Members present: Sandy Cavallaro, Stella Campbell, Peg Eibler, and Keith Phelps.
Absent: James Gleason and Barbaradell Kelley.
Also present: Holly Hentz and Christine Weber.
1) A motion to approve the agenda as presented was made by Campbell. Seconded by Phelps. Motion carried.
2) A motion to approve the February minutes as printed was made by Phelps. Seconded by Eibler. Motion carried.
3) A motion to approve the financial report for February 2008 was made by Campbell. Seconded by Eibler. Motion carried.
4) A motion to accept voucher # 456 for $44,582.59 was made by Eibler. Seconded by Phelps. Motion carried.
Librarian’s Report
1) MeLCat update: Librarians have sent in test patterns and are waiting to hear the results. Time line is being followed.
2) A motion to purchase library furniture from Library Design Associates not to exceed $8,148 was made by Campbell. Seconded by Eibler. Motion carried.
1) Library received an invitation to Trustee Dinner Meeting. Response will be made at April meeting.
1) Legacy fund handouts: The Board reviewed the Legacy Fund brochure and offered suggestions and corrections. The Beautification Committee handout was approved as presented. The tri-fold brochure will be brought back to next meeting.
2) Renewable energy: The Township zoning dept. requires specific details of the library's plans for a possible wind turbine and solar panels before any information on site plans and ordinances will be discussed. Hentz will contact Self Reliant Energy and have a proposal developed for the Township to consider.
3) Millage information sheet: A motion to insert the millage information sheet and the summer reading program sheet as separate pages in the next newsletter was made by Phelps. Seconded by Campbell. Motion carried.
4) CD was rolled over at 3.50%.
5) Life insurance: A motion to table employee life insurance for until further information is received was made by Eibler. Seconded by Campbell. Motion carried.
1) Computer server: A motion to install new computer servers not to exceed $5300 was made by Eibler. Seconded by Campbell. Motion carried.
Relevant Board Issues
1) Quality Services Audit Checklist (QSAC) Enhanced level was discussed.
Call to the Public
1) None present.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Campbell. Seconded by Eibler. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 8:17pm.
Next meeting will be April 15, 2008 at 7:00pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan M. Dombrowski