Hamburg Township Library

10411 Merrill Rd.    P.O. Box 247

Hamburg, MI  48139



Hamburg Township Library Board of Trustees

March 15, 2005


Meeting called to order at 7:01 PM in the library meeting room.

Members present: Stella Campbell, Sandra Cavallaro, Peg Eibler, James Gleason, Barbaradell Kelley and Keith Phelps.

Also present: Hentz and Weber.



Approval of:

A motion to accept the agenda as presented was made by Eibler.  Seconded by Phelps.  Motion carried.


A motion to accept the minutes as presented for February 15, 2005 was made by Kelley.  Seconded by Cavallaro.  Motion carried.


A motion to accept the financial report for the period ending January 31, 205 was made by Eibler.  Seconded by Kelley.  Motion carried.


A motion to accept the financial report for the period ending February 28, 2005 was made by Cavallaro.  Seconded by Phelps.  Motion carried.


A motion to pay voucher #420 in the amount of $40,205.72 as presented was made by Eibler.  Seconded by Cavallaro.  Motion carried.


Librarian’s Report:

1)      Hentz distributed handout of program update.

2)      Hentz attended the first TLN (The Library Network library cooperative) strategic planning meeting in Berkley.  Updates will be given as progress is made.

3)      Internet acceptable use policy now appears on the computer screen.  Users must agree to it before internet use can commence.

4)      The Livingston County One Book/One Community selection is Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde.  The county libraries will be featuring programs related to the book through Labor Day.  Our library will be showing the movie version on August 27 at 1:00pm.  Silver Read bracelets are handed out to any who read the book.

5)      Fire Marshal inspection resulted in a list of violations, majority involving storage areas.  April 8 is deadline for correction.  Hentz and staff are currently working on correcting the violations.

6)      Stokanovich prepared a handout for wireless computer access in library.

7)      Hentz and Weber attended the Kroger grand opening.

8)      K. Harrier and J. Valeri will be attending the Rural Libraries Conference in May.




1)      None


Old Business:

1)      None


New Business:

1)      Hentz led the board members in an itemized discussion of the 2005/2006 Budget.  Board members will review same and bring questions/concerns to April meeting.

2)      Fire Marshall requirements

·        Key lock box located on building exterior.  Board opposed idea.

·        Painting of fire lane will be done when parking lot is resealed this spring.

·        Off-site storage unit issue tabled until April meeting.


Relevant Board Issues:

1)      None


Call to the Public:

1)      None present.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Phelps.  Seconded by Gleason.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.


Next meeting will be April 19, 2005 at 7:00pm. (Adult Quiet Study Room)