Hamburg Township Library
10411 Merrill Rd.    P.O. Box 247
Hamburg, MI  48139


Board of Trustees Meeting
July 20, 2021 @7:00pm


The meeting was called to order by M. Farrell at 7:00pm.
Present: J. Colone, M. Evergreen, M. Farrell, R. Hocking, B. Rosek, C. Walter.
Absent: None.
Also present: H. Hentz, C. Weber.

Approval of

Call to the Public – None present.


Motion to approved the revised 2021/2022 budget with expenses not to exceed $895,332.67 as presented made by Rosek; seconded by Hocking.  Motion carried.

Librarian's Report


Old Business

Hentz provided an update on fall programs with a focus on flexibility in case of covid mandates.
Hentz will ask quilting group to remove their belongings from the meeting room cupboards to make room for the Friend group.  In an effort to treat the quilting group equally to all other community groups, they will be asked to apply for use of the meeting room.

New Business
1)  Work From Home Policy – Hentz will investigate and bring sample policies and a draft of a new library policy to the August meeting.
2)  Recording Secretary Replacement – All members were asked to submit names of interested parties over the next several meetings.  If necessary, it is possible a committee will be established to conduct interviews.

Relevant Board Issues
1)  None.

Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Rosek; seconded by Evergreen.  The meeting adjourned at 8:05pm.  Next Meeting: August 17, 2021 @ 7:00pm