Hamburg Township Library

10411 Merrill Rd.    P.O.  Box 247

Hamburg, MI  48139



Hamburg Township Library Board of Trustees

January 18, 2006


Meeting called to order at 7:00pm in the library meeting room.

Members present: Stella Campbell, Peg Eibler, James Gleason and Keith Phelps.

Absent: Sandy Cavallaro and Barbaradell Kelley.


Also present: Holly Hentz and Christine Weber.



1)  A motion to accept the agenda as presented was made by Eibler.  Seconded by Gleason.  Motion carried.


2)  A motion to accept the minutes as presented for the December 13, 2005 meeting was made by Phelps.  Seconded by Campbell.  Motion carried.


3)  A motion to accept the Financial Report ending December 31, 2005 noting the incorrect deposit of library bond funds of $38,453.7 (which will be removed next month) was made by Eibler.  Seconded by Gleason.  Motion carried.


4)  A motion to accept as presented voucher #430 for $44,015.69 was made by Eibler.  Seconded by Gleason.  Motion carried.


Librarian’s Report

1)      Livingston Reads! activities planned with all Livingston County libraries.

2)      February staff meeting will include fire drill and defibrillator refresher course.

3)      Staff evaluations taking place in February.

4)      L. Strandt has received her Level 1 certification (permanent professional certification) from the Library of Michigan.



1)      Thank you note from patron emphasizing the pleasant atmosphere and professional library staff.


Old Business

1)      Meeting room carpeting is complete.

2)      Meeting with PCPL scheduled for Livingston Wildlife Conservation Club.  Inquire availability of non-smoking area.

3)      Informal meeting with library board and staff scheduled for March 24 at 6 pm.


New Business 

1)      A motion to direct Hentz to investigate what security systems, costs and options are available was made by Gleason.  Seconded by Eibler.  Motion carried.

2)      Township Supervisor Pine will present to Township Board a review of actual REU charges for library sewer rate. Library anticipates a refund and a change to being charged for 4 REUs.

3)      L. Strandt has developed a system for online renewals on library website.

4)      L. Strandt has started the online mailing list (newsletters, new materials, programs, general news) on the library website.


Relevant Board Issues

1)   Monthly topic of discussion: Budget development.  Discussion followed.


Call to the Public

1)      None present



A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Eibler.  Seconded by Phelps.  Motion carried.


The meeting adjourned at 7:36pm.



Next meeting will be February 21, 2006 at 7:00pm.



Respectfully submitted,



Joan M. Dombrowski