Hamburg Township Library
10411 Merrill Rd. P.O. Box 247
Hamburg, MI 48139
Hamburg Township Library Board of Trustees – Minutes
February 19, 2008
Meeting called to order by Cavallaro at 7:44pm in the library meeting room.
Present: S. Cavallaro, M. Eibler, K. Phelps, S. Campbell.
Absent: J. Gleason, B. Kelley.
Also Present: H. Hentz, C. Weber.
1) Motion to approve the agenda made by Eibler, seconded by Phelps. Motion carried.
2) Motion to approve the December 18, 2007 minutes made by Phelps, seconded by Campbell. Motion carried.
3) Motion to approve the January 15, 2008 minutes made by Phelps, seconded by Eibler. Motion carried.
4) Motion to approve financial report for December 2007 made by Eibler, seconded by Phelps. Motion carried.
5) Motion to approve financial report for January 2008 made by Campbell, seconded by Eibler. Motion carried.
6) Motion to approve library voucher #455 in the amount of $49,003.29 made by Phelps, seconded by Campbell. Motion carried.
Librarian's Report
1) Staff update includes resignation of J. Karfonta, effective Feb. 21, 2008, and K. Roberts to be trained to take over many of Karfonta's duties. Some of the offices have been changed around and additional furniture will be needed.
2) Mid-winter pirate party (Ahoy Readers) was a success. There were 41 parents and children.
3) The staff has completed the informational forms necessary for MeLCat. According to the timeline, the library will be live with MeLCat in April.
4) L. Strandt has designed the 2008 summer reading program theme as "Mind Candy: Sweet Reads @ HTL".
1) There was no correspondence.
Old Business
1) Hentz and Weber handed out draft copies of Legacy Fund literature. Board will read through and give comments and suggestions at next meeting.
2) Board discussed the presentation given earlier in the evening on renewable energy (solar power and wind turbines). The Board directed Hentz to contact the Township Hall regarding ordinances and any possible concerns they may have. Hentz is then to locate several companies and ask for proposals.
3) Hentz handed out the final form of the millage information sheet. Motion to consult with a graphic artist for artistic input on the handout made by Phelps, seconded by Campbell. Motion carried.
New Business
1) Motion to table the discussion for an additional computer server because of lack of information made by Campbell, seconded by Eibler. Motion carried.
2) Motion to roll over CD maturing on 2/22/08 in the amount of $454,000 for 3 months for the highest possible rate and depositing balance into library's savings account made by Phelps, seconded by Campbell. Motion carried.
Relevant Board Issues
1) Board discussed possibility of offering term life insurance to part time staff. Board directed Hentz and Weber to investigate the idea further and report back at next meeting. Information should include: Viable insurance companies, amount of insurance, cost per employee.
Call to the Public
1) None present.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Cavallaro, seconded by Campbell. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:51pm.
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 18, 2008.
Respectfully submitted,
Holly P. Hentz
Director & Acting Secretary
Fax: 810.231.1520