Hamburg Township Library

10411 Merrill Rd.    P.O.  Box 247

Hamburg, MI  48139



Hamburg Township Library Board of Trustees

December 14, 2010


Meeting called to order at 7:05pm in the meeting room.

Present: Stella Campbell, Sally Crouch, Peg Eibler, Michaelene Farrell, Richelle Hocking and Duncan McIntyre.

Also present: Holly Hentz and Christine Weber.

Guest: Lt. Brian DeNoyer, Hamburg Police Department.



All board members welcomed Lt. DeNoyer as the new liaison to the library.


1)    A motion to accept the agenda with addition of “Relevant Board Issues: a) Trustee meetings” was made by Campbell.  Seconded by Hocking.  Motion carried.


2)    A motion to approve the November 16, 2010 minutes as presented was made by Crouch.  Seconded by McIntyre.  Motion carried.



Call to the Public

1)    None present.




1)    A motion to accept the Financial Report for November 2010 was made by Hocking.  Seconded by Farrell.  Motion carried.

2)    A motion to accept Library Voucher # 489 in the amount of $41,341.51 was made by Campbell.  Seconded by Hocking.  Motion carried.



Librarian’s Report

1)    The annual Food For Thought food drive was successful, however the final amount collected has not yet been reported.

2)    The annual Toys for Tots toy drive seemed successful considering the bad economy.




1)  None



Old Business

1)    A motion to accept the proposed policy changes was made by Hocking.  Seconded by Crouch.  Motion carried.  Hentz will have the new policy manuals ready by the February meeting.

2)    Hentz reported PNC Bank assessed a service charge exceeding $1000.  Hentz, Weber, and the Twp. Treasurer are trying to get the charges reversed.

3)    BTOP grant update: Hentz reported CDW-G sent a quote regarding the purchase of 16 new computers.  Hentz is waiting for quotes from TLN and MSU before any purchases are made.



New Business

1)    Group study rooms will be identified as Group Study A and Group Study B.

2)    Faxing service for the public will be $1 per page. Faxing unemployment forms and job search-related items will remain free of charge.

3)    A motion to charge $25 per hour for rental of the meeting room to commercial for-profit entities was approved providing the room rental would not include the actual selling of product was made by Campbell. Seconded by Crouch. Motion carried.



Relevant Board Issues

1)    A motion to schedule board meetings at 6pm for January and February 2011 was made by Campbell.  Seconded by McIntyre.  Motion carried.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by McIntyre.  Seconded by Crouch.   Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.



Next meeting will be January 18, 2011 at 6:00pm.