Hamburg Township Library

10411 Merrill Rd., Box 247
Hamburg, MI 48139
Library Board of Trustees Meeting

In accordance with the Governor's Executive Order 2020-15, this meeting was

conducted electronically.
Minutes for April 22, 2020

Call to Order and Pledge to the Flag
Farrell called the meeting to order at 7:04pm.
Members present: J. Colone, M. Evergreen, M. Farrell, R. Hocking, J. Katakowski.
Members absent: P. Eibler (excused).
Also present: H. Hentz, C. Weber.

Approval of
1) Motion to approve the agenda as presented by Evergreen, seconded by Hocking.
Roll call: Colone -Y, Evergreen -Y, Farrell - Y, Hocking -Y, Katakowski -Y, Eibler-
absent. Motion carried.
2) Motion to approve the minutes for March 17, 2020 as presented made by Hocking,
seconded by Colone. Roll call: Colone -Y, Evergreen -Y, Farrell - Y, Hocking -Y,
Katakowski -Y, Eibler- absent. Motion carried.
Call to the Public – Limit remarks to 3 minutes.
1) None present.

1) March 2020 Financial Report tabled until the May meeting.
2) Motion to approve Library Voucher # 601 in the amount of $77,004.65 made by
Evergreen, seconded by Hocking. Roll call: Colone -Y, Evergreen -Y, Farrell - Y,
Hocking -Y, Katakowski -Y, Eibler- absent. Motion carried.
Librarian's Report
1) Monthly statistics: Daily average is 224 people, 34 new patrons, 9,998 items
checked out in-house, 731 Axis360 checkouts, 255 Zinio checkouts, 358 Hoopla
checkouts, 101 computer users.
2) Marketing update: 166 Instagram, 406 Twitter, 1,067 Facebook, 2,628 Website
visits, 1,086 wifi uses.
3) Other News: Hentz has been attending webinars and teleconferences with libraries
across the state and the Livingston County libraries. All staff viewed webinar from

the CDC on how libraries should handle business during the virus. Staff who can are
working from home. Hentz, Weber, Wagner, and Roberts have been coming into
the library once a week or so to check over the building and do some other work.
4) Upcoming programs: All programs through August 31 have been cancelled.
1) None.

Old Business
1) None.

New Business
1) Motion to roll over the CIBC CD for the entire amount of $104,315.33 plus interest
earned for 90 days at 0.80% or better made by Evergreen, seconded by Hocking.
Roll call: Colone -Y, Evergreen -Y, Farrell - Y, Hocking -Y, Katakowski -Y, Eibler-
absent. Motion carried.
2) Hentz presented the plan for library operations through August 31, making note that
the plan was established using current CDC guidelines and that the plan could
change if CDC guidelines changed. Board filed the summer operations plan and the
Pandemic Plan in the Library’s Policy Manual.
3) Hentz presented the plan for the 2020 Summer Reading Program as developed by
L. Strandt, noting it is limited due to the ongoing COVID-19 problem.
4) Hentz and Weber presented the Proposed 2020/2021 Budget for discussion
5) Motion to approve the Annual Millage Resolution and to direct Hentz to forward it to
the Township Clerk made by Hocking, seconded by Evergreen. Roll call: Colone -Y,
Evergreen -Y, Farrell - Y, Hocking -Y, Katakowski -Y, Eibler- absent. Motion carried.
Relevant Board Issues
1) None.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:44pm made by Katakowski, seconded by Hocking.
Roll call: Colone -Y, Evergreen -Y, Farrell - Y, Hocking -Y, Katakowski -Y, Eibler-
absent. Motion carried.

Next Meeting: May 19, 2020 @ 7:00pm



Hamburg Township Library

10411 Merrill Rd. P. O. Box 247
Hamburg, MI 48139

At a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Hamburg Township Library,
Livingston County, Michigan, held at the Library on the 22 nd day of April, 2020 at 7:00
PRESENT: J. Colone, M. Evergreen, M. Farrell, J. Katakowski, R. Hocking.
ABSENT: P. Eibler.

The following Resolution was offered by R. Hocking and supported by M. Evergreen.
WHEREAS, the voters approved a millage of .8 mills that may be levied annually
until the year 2021, and the purpose of the millage is to provide funds for the Hamburg
Township Library; and
WHEREAS, the Library Board of Trustees has prepared an estimate of the
amount of money necessary for the support and maintenance of the Library for the
ensuing year; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to City, Village and Township Libraries Act, Act No.164 of
the Public Acts of 1877 (the “Act”), the Library Board of Trustees has the authority to
prepare the estimate of the amount of money necessary to support the Library and
report the estimate to the Supervisor of Hamburg Township for assessment, which tax
shall be assessed and collected; and
WHEREAS, the Library has determined that a levy of the full .8 mills, subject to
Headlee rollback, is in the best interests of the public health, safety and welfare.

THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Library Board of Trustees of the Hamburg
Township Library, Livingston County, Michigan, as follows:

1. The Library Board of Trustees resolves that it has estimated the money
necessary for the support of the Library and has determined that .8 mills, subject

to Headlee rollback, shall be levied in the year 2020.
2. The Library secretary is authorized and directed to promptly submit this
resolution to the Supervisor of Hamburg Township.
3. All resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as they conflict with the provisions
of this Resolution be and the same are hereby rescinded.

YEAS: _- 5-_
NAYS: _-0-_
ABSENT: _- 1 -
I, the undersigned, the duly qualified Secretary of the Hamburg Township Library
Board, Livingston County, Michigan, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true
and complete copy of certain proceedings taken by the Board of Trustees of said
Library at a regular meeting held on the 22 nd day of April, 2020.