Hamburg Township Library
10411 Merrill Rd. P.O. Box 247
Hamburg, MI 48139
Board of Trustees Meeting
April 17, 2018 @ 7:00pm
Meeting called to order by Farrell at 7:00pm in the Patricia Waters Community Room.
Members present: Colone, Evergreen, Farrell, Hocking, Katakowski
Member absent: Eibler
Also present: H. Hentz and C. Weber.
Approval of
- Motion to approve the agenda as amended made by Colone. Seconded by Hocking. Motion carried.
- Motion to approve the minutes from March 20, 2018 as presented made by Hocking. Seconded by Colone. Motion carried.
Call to the Public – Limit remarks to 5 minutes
- Motion to accept the Financial Report for March 2018 made by Hocking. Seconded by Evergreen. Motion carried.
- Motion to approve Library Voucher # 577 in the amount of $59,779.11 made by Evergreen. Seconded by Hocking. Motion carried.
Librarian's Report
- Monthly statistics: 191 average daily visits; 36 new patrons; 6,877 item check-outs; 593 Axis360 check-outs; 70 Zinio check-outs; 257 Hoopla check-outs; and 310 computer uses.
- Marketing update: Instagram as 113; Twitter at 352; Facebook at 676; 2,057 website uses; 2,543 wifi uses.
- Other news: 4/13-4/15 Library was present at the Livingston County Home Show’s Community Resource Fair. Laura sold one book for $405.00 on e-bay.
- Upcoming programs:
- 4/18 Movie: Murder on the Orient Express (1974), Free, 1:00pm
- 4/20 Movie @ the Howell Theater: Murder on the Orient Express (2017), Free w/ library card, 7:00pm
- 4/21 Book Sale & Kids Craft Fair, 9:00am to 2:00pm
- 4/24 Great Lakes Invaders, Free, 6:30pm
- 4/25 Drop-In Tech Help, Free, 4:00pm to 7:00pm
- 4/26 Movie: Murder on the Orient Express (2017), Free, 1:00pm
- 5/2 Book Club: The Tragedy of Arthur by Arthur Phillips, Free, 1:00pm
- 5/3 Library Tea Party, $5.00, noon
- 5/7 Basics of Investing, Free, 6:30pm
- 5/8 Historic Hamburg Walking Tour, Free, 6:30pm
- 5/9 Mother’s Day Craft, Free, 6:30pm
Old Business
- Internet service provider: At&T has inspected and approved the work completed by Ashcott Electrical. They say we are on schedule to have internet hooked up by the end of June.
- CDs maturing: The 90 day CD at Chase was opened for $300,000.00 at 1.59%.
- Renovation project: We do need signed architectural drawings for County permits to be issued. The tentative construction date is the second week of July. Library will close for one day during this time to move shelving.
- Study Room A & B HVAC units have been removed. The work has passed inspection by the county building department.
New Business
- Motion to approve Alan’s Asphalt Maintenance quote of $2,965.00 to reseal, fill cracks, and paint stripes on library parking lot made by Katakowski. Seconded by Evergreen. Motion carried. Work to be completed on Memorial Day weekend, with the following weekend as a rain date.
- Annual millage resolution made by Katakowski. Seconded by Hocking. Resolution carried. A signed copy of this resolution is attached to the official minutes and a photocopy is being forwarded to the Township supervisor’s office.
- Hentz and Weber presented the proposed 2018/2019 budget to the board for discussion, questions, and comments.
Relevant Board Issues
- Summer Reading Program kick-off party is set for Friday, June 8 at 7:00pm. Volunteers include Evergreen, the Farrells, Katakowski, the Hockings.
Motion to adjourn made by Katakowski. Seconded by Colone. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:54pm.
Next Meeting: May 15, 2018 @ 7:00pm