Hamburg Township Library

10411 Merrill Rd.    P.O.  Box 247

Hamburg, MI  48139



Hamburg Township Library Board of Trustees

May 16, 2006


Meeting called to order at 7:00pm in the library meeting room.

Members present: Stella Campbell, Sandy Cavallaro, James Gleason, Barbaradell Kelley and Keith Phelps.

Absent: Peg Eibler

Also present: Holly Hentz and Christine Weber.



1)  A motion to approve the agenda as printed and presented was made by Cavallaro.  Seconded by Phelps.  Motion carried.


2)  A motion to accept the minutes as printed and mailed to the Board members from the April 18, 2006 meeting was made by Phelps.  Seconded by Gleason.  Motion carried.


3)  A motion to accept the Financial Report ending April 30, 2006 was made by Gleason.  Seconded by Cavallaro.  Motion carried.


4)  A motion to accept as presented voucher #434 for $59,388.14 was made by Gleason.  Seconded by Cavallaro.  Motion carried.


Librarian’s Report

1)      Positive response from public on current newsletter.

2)      Staff is in process of replacing lost/damaged items and updating old items.

3)      Girl Scout Troop 460 will be planting the petunias on 5/19/06.

4)      Girl Scout Troop 421 gave the library a bird feeder; they will supply the seed.

5)      The library has joined the Pinckney Lakeland Hamburg Chamber of Commerce.



1)      None


Old Business

1)      Computer back-up software was purchased and installed. Back-ups done on Tuesdays and Fridays.


New Business

1)      2006-2007 Budget distributed to Board members.  

2)      Hentz solicited help for Summer Reading Kick-off Party on June 23rd at 7pm.  Kelley and Cavallaro volunteered to help.


3)      See attached for the motion to increase the board designated fund.


Relevant Board Issues: 

1)      None.


Call to the Public:   

1) None present.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Kelley.  Seconded by Gleason.  Motion  carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.



Next meeting will be June 20, 2006 at 7:00pm.



Respectfully submitted,



Joan M. Dombrowski